There is not a heart that was born, that if assured of saftey, would not open instantly

Clay as The Way
Inside of clay is a deep stillnessIt is like a large body of water, yet it's energy is profoundly earthy.
Much can be found with in a body of clay. The joining of water and clay gives clay an elasticity, a fluidity, that can allow for many forms to flow from the users hands and hearts and emerge from the deep stillness with in. It both brings us to the profound place of stillness, and allows a part of ourselves to travel back out thru it... giving voice to a part of ourselves that is hidden, and perhaps never spoken before.
This process is deeply gratifying, powerfully joyful. Come and join Lia @ Wainwright House in Rye NY Classes starting soon.
Lia Russ 914-329-3325

We know what we need to heal...
In person based therapy, a Rogerian approach, the premise is that the person always knows what they need to heal. This is what Creative Arts Therapy is based upon. So are energy based medicines, as well as Shamanism. They all tie in together beautifully, naturally.
Samanism seeks to reconnect us with nature...
Understanding that everything is from source, and that source is not polar, we begin to find acceptance for all parts of ourselves. Everything is energy, and all energy can be transmuted, or shape shifted. Begin on this journey of self transformation, connect with the natural world in powerful, age old and deeply fulfilling ways. Come home to yourself.

Want to Develope your Intuition?
Taking Reiki Levels 1, 2, or 3, is a great way to begin to develop your intuition.